Paddle Wheel Aerators

What is Paddle wheel aerator?

A paddle wheel is a form  of waterwheel or impeller in which a number of paddles are set around the periphery of the wheel. It has several uses, some of which are:

Very low-lift water pumping, such as flooding paddy fields at no more than about 0.5 m (20 in) height above the water source

To move and mix algae culture in the raceway ponds used

  • for aquaculture.
  • Propulsion of watercraft
  • Low head hydropower
  • Flow sensors
  • Aerators

Advantage of Paddle wheel aerators:

  • Improves aeration in aquaculture.
  • Cir­cu­lates oxy­gen rich sur­face water by destrat­i­fy­ing pond water col­umn. This ensures uni­form pond tem­per­a­ture and oxy­gen lev­els through­out the pond.
  • Water lubri­cated bear­ing requires no addi­tional lubri­ca­tion or maintenance.
  • One mov­ing part; only 10 parts in total.
  • No gear­box; thus no lubri­ca­tion or fre­quent fail­ures.
  • Light­weight; can be moved from pond to pond by only one person.
  • Aer­a­tion is done below sur­face; does not cause changes in tem­per­a­ture or salinity.
  • High tech com­po­si­tion mate­ri­als with cor­ro­sion free ele­ments. Mate­ri­als for Series II aer­a­tor used in aero­space and auto­mo­tive industry.
  • Able to adjust the angle for shal­low or deep ponds.
  • Viewed by indus­try as a farm investment.
  • Oper­ates consistently with fluc­tu­at­ing water levels.
  • Pre­ci­sion engi­neered to stay afloat in all weather conditions.
  • Strong cus­tomer ser­vice and field ser­vice departments.